Imagine a world where we could communicate with other species… This article says that whales mimic human speech… Imagine they started learning our language!
Well… some people are learning the language of chimpanzees… According to the director of the Kyoto University Primate Research Institute, this is how we say hello in chimpanzee:
This reminds us of The Great Animal Orchestra exhibition… Such a beautiful project!
Back to our project…
We could find some dictionaries of animals speech to make some memes… Adding human meaning to animal sounds… But would we really want to do that? Hmmm….. Maybe not…
And what about the forest and all it has to say? We could listen to the trees, the plants…
Well, this reminds me of the enchanted forests from Miyazaki movies, like Totoro!
Apparently, there is this new condition: Nature Deficit Disorder… Well, it is not officially recognized scientifically, but it is still a nice idea, and allusion to the Attention Deficit Disorder everyone is talking about…
Maybe we could make a project that involves being in nature, noticing it, listening to it… We could go to the forest and record the movements of the trees, the sound of the rain, the wind, and try to understand what the forest is telling us.
I remember this movie about trees and plants emotion… What plants talk about.
We could ask people about what these sounds mean and create a map of meanings. Is is any forest? Or one that is going through considerable environmental problems?
How to give meaning to abstract sounds?
On another note… Some details on my research on poison detergent and fertilizers... Algea growth in water, kills the fish, oxygen reduction in water fish death rancid smell of corpses blackening of water quality polluting the environment. Affect the absorption of calcium nutrition calcium deficiency in the human body chronic poisoning dementia. :o
Let’s keep in mind that what we want to do involves transmedia storytelling… Expanding to different platforms to create more impact, reach more audiences, increase interactions, and expand the story itself. :-)